Monday 29 October 2018
Brotherton Maps, Ukrainian
framing and agriculture, diagrams
and land and sea currents in
French and Russian.
Monday 15 October 2018
Research Supervision: Tutorial October 15th 2018
Batkhin, the lake, processing project,
literature survey, keywords, raw
unprocessed, 5 books, bibliography.
Children's Soviet Literature, reall,
stories, fairytales,
upside down, final examination and
examiners, final deliverables, word
count - 25,000 five sections, follow
the structure of my film, interludes,
PhD arts, website, delivery, zepplin
bend (click on the zepplin) abstract
and methodology, weaving, be clear,
sections, make books, minor corrections,
Simon’s time bookmark, motion and
time, Lisa’s Mixtape, illustration,
email Lisa.
literature survey, keywords, raw
unprocessed, 5 books, bibliography.
Children's Soviet Literature, reall,
stories, fairytales,
upside down, final examination and
examiners, final deliverables, word
count - 25,000 five sections, follow
the structure of my film, interludes,
PhD arts, website, delivery, zepplin
bend (click on the zepplin) abstract
and methodology, weaving, be clear,
sections, make books, minor corrections,
Simon’s time bookmark, motion and
time, Lisa’s Mixtape, illustration,
email Lisa.
Monday 8 October 2018
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