Tuesday 8 December 2020

Links and Connections V2

 I am working on a visual, structures,
bibliographic references and links
and connections and threads, here is an
image from my version 2,
Many thanks,

Meetings with Lisa and Simon in Zoom

Research Supervision Meetings:
Tuesday 8th December 2020

Christian Marclay, Glue, visuals,
production process, flour, salt, baking
ingredients, Bible, illustrations,
children’s bibles, Covid-19, flue,
zen, forms, ideas, writings, links and
connections, bibliographies, html,
rollovers, hovers, arts council funding,
underlines, design briefs, enormity,
scale and subject matter, web version,
funding, design briefs, writing, histories,
Roddy, Angel of History, separation and
Holodomor, Applebaum’s text, emotional
distances and academic writing, the
photographer, auto-auto-ethnographic
research, practice, artist in the their fields,
core texts, Alexievich, Jung and
Scriabin, peas, 4, s, conclude and
justify, written structures, forms, images,
bibliographic jumps, rebuilding links and
connections, print and motion versions,
violence, frame erasure, train shot, villages,
paper sponsorships, structures for conference
papers and submissions, repeat language
back, abstracts, outcomes, define research,
re-use abstracts, re-applying core themes,
storyboards, opening, beginning and end of
former Soviet Union, Covid-19, Christmas,
running, Christian Bok, Scale, truth and
drawing, self-absorbtion and practices.

Thursday 3 December 2020

Meetings with Marc and Shyam

 Thursday 3rd of December 2020

Using InDesign, Shyam teachings,
troubleshooting, A4 creative, space,
disrupted narratives, interstituals,
sections, smaller sections, briefing, wire
binding, production, project schedules,
collating prints and productions, geographies,
mappings, roles and responsibilities,
Tristram Shandy, black page, ideas,
creatives, next meetings, Shyam
working in London, Mondays 11th,
1st March, travel times, half days,
contained, realistic production
schedules, timings, sections, project
pack, auto-ethnographic research,
visuals, ideas, paper, black soil
(black page) missing documents,
project colours, scripts, references,
core theories, truth texts, visuals,
dummy text, images and texts
separately, Tate Etc, categories,
bibliographies, websites, print on

Thursday 26 November 2020

Meetings with Shyam

Cosmo eggs, templates, EPY
sucessess, prints, editions, web and
prints, Marc, London, studio
working, dates, individual responsibilities,
ideas, concepts, day for ideas,
day two for template production,
fast working, pressure, print production,
print on demand, Cosmos egg,
word counts, structures, chapter
titles, themes, use of images, books,
ideas, Marc and Shyam, enterprise,
business experiences, working and
peseverance, perseverance and

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Tuesday 10 November 2020

Meeting Notes with David Hunter

 Tuesday 10th November 2020

Content management, HTML, images and
text, long form copy on screen, Hito Steyerl,
teaching, trends in point sizes, project colours,
storyboards, saints and apostles shot,
structures, 15 parts, writing about web builds
complete word counts, text fades,
backgrounds, fades per user or fades over
time, retrievable copy, sub-headings,
headings, body copy and image captions,
tags, frames and classes, CSS, styles,
responsibilities of readers, funding, arts
council, RSA fellowships, SODA, PhD’s,
Manchester Met, Leeds Beckett, teaching
on-line, Graphic Design MA, 3000 words,
25,000 words, storyboards, 80% practice,
public outputs, exhibitions, supervisions,
Ukraine, public, exhibitions, project
visuals, Russian revolution, zoom screensavers.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Serious About Nutrition


SCRSS December 2019

Meeting with Lisa

and things to do
PhD cool, make work like Lisa’s
Saskia Olde Wolbers, quiet, not shouting,
visuals, scripts, links, people to write
about my work, Morry, Derke Derek
Hortons call out, Holes, visuals,
graphics representations of loss
writings, writing differently, academic
writing, self, research time, Mondays,
Fridays, computers, timetables, politics,
visuals, ideas, recollections, archives,
meanings, memories, truth, writing,
drawings and truth, holding 2 realities
in ones mind simultaneously zen, links
in writings, Scriabin, visuals, music and
motion circle of fifths, RGB, web links,
Scripts online, texts, ideas, visuals
farming visuals, wheat, black soil section,
gloves, running, piano, grand piano, shelves,

Motion Graphics

Storyboards Drafts for texts

Lost and Peas

Links and Connections

Sections Part 1

Sections Part 2

Friday 30 October 2020

Visual Essay:


Graphic Depictions of Wheat, Production
Image. Author, 2020

Star Shot, Text from Tolstoy War and
Peace. Image: Author, 2020

Pushbacks Across the Evros / Meviç River:
Situated Testimony, Film Still. Forensic
Architecture [Screenshot]

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Finals Structures


Research Supervisions Meetings

with Lisa and Simon Tuesday 6th October

Research, Leeds Beckett, School, films,
festivals and funding, fading websites,
Whitworth screenings, theories around
erasure, Craig Dworkins, Inscription
journal, holes, libraries, bibliographies
links and chapters, thesis diagrams,
chapters, orders of books, theories
to support practices, materials,
SCRSS, exhibitions, David Hunter,

Chapters, films, fading theories,
supervision meetings, going to Leeds,
libraries, Roxy and the research
office, Bakhtin, time, T. S. Eliot,
Christian Marclay, clock, editing,
sounds, structures, film school,
email Lewis Paul

Literature Reviews


Literature Reviews from Sara Nesteruk on Vimeo.

Sunday 4 October 2020

Art and Labour

 I have been exploring Tatlin’s
tower, originally inspired by a
shot in Theodore Ushev’s film
Tower Bawher
cuit in quickly at 3.30 - 335, there
are themes in Ushev’s work of
construction, and buildings,
achitectural forms, and the theme
of ‘forward time’ found in Soviet
ideals of the 5-year plans. The
paper I was reading at the Henry
Moore Institute compared
Tatlin’s (unrealised) Tower with a
similarly unrealised work by Rodin
designed in 1900, also created to
celebrate ideals of labour and
construction. The author of the paper,
Philip Ursprung, describes
Rodin’s use of space, physical
placements and time, moving around
a work, in a sculptural sense, this,
is also described in Eisenstein’s
essays in the 1930’s. Links between
films and architecture, and motion in
space, physical spaces, and physical
spaces in film. Montages, cutting,
and using wipes and transitions to
cut up and displace, audiences and
characters. Hito Steyerl describes
this process in Duty Free Art

Tatlin’s Tower:
Photo from Tatlin’s Tower: Monuments to
Revolution, by Norbert Lynton, Yale
University Press, New Haven, 2009.
Henry Moore Sculpture Library.

Tuesday 29 September 2020

Feedback with Matthew Pendergast

Artist, organisations, narratives,
themes and vibes, stories, drawings,
a core thread, a spine, books,
SCRSS, Soviet archives, Ukrainian
archives, Holodomor, audio visual
contents, organisations speaking to
each other, audio-visual materials,
ideas, dialogues, meeting points and
emotional charged materials,
my stories, gaps in archives,
Ukraine and Russia, exhibitions on

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Meetings with David Hunter

22nd of September
Concurrent users, 15 sections, CMS,
costs and fundings, print of demand,
colours, columns, 25,000, 3,000 word
sections, long form contents and
reading online, fonts, type styles,
teaching online.



Wednesday 16 September 2020