Thursday 27 August 2020

Literature Reviews

 I am mapping links and threads,
connecting my source materials into
themes for the start of the construction
of my written storyboards. Key
texts are underlined in read, all
connections are made in blue.

Literature reviews: mapping

Mark Lombardi

Monday 24 August 2020

Meeting Supervision with Lisa

 Monday 24th August 2020

Sasha Olde Wolders, videos, KL,
narratives and narrative arcs,
writings, Copenhagen, Rilke, Rodin,
circular in art, work closed and
contained, Safe areas, PhD thesis
map, Simon’s soap, emails to
Simon, reading, holidays, maps,
Japan catalogues, Holodomor
collections, timelines, definitive oral
histories and Holodomor texts, Anne
Applebaum, Christian, Robert
Conquest, progression panel, research
days, timetables, Jordan Baseman,
use of audio, Gates of Hell, coloured
Greek statues, responding to emails,
Tony Cokes, Copenhagen Contemporary,
art in response to Covid-19,
Holidays, writing course, Rilke and
Rodin text, layouts.

Thursday 20 August 2020


Tetsumi Kudo

Tetsumi Kudo

Candice Breitz

Yayoi Kusana

Monday 17 August 2020


 1.0 and 1.5 Practice and Theories

Monday 10 August 2020

Research Supervision with Lisa - Meetin Notes

Structures and forms, insights, and spiritual
knowings, meanings, writings, magical,
making links and references obvious, Scott
and Amundsen, providing warrants and
bookending theories and ideas, bibliographies,
new draw bibliographies books, text
and writings about text safe, action safe,
spheres of influence and spheres of interest,
knowledge, mapping my terrritories, the
far ends of my research, disney, Pixar,
motion graphics, past present and futures,
in interludes, poetry, archives and production
processes, September 11th archives, collaborative
archives, collect and document, everything I
have, from other people, an external, Holodomor
archive on my websites recipesforbakingbread., documenting
yellow books, RCA archives, cats in
dustbins, dancing, T. S. Eliot, returning to
source, a searchable database, cataloguing
structures, ording and numbers, texts and
images, bibliographies, archives and
unpublished materials, Jerwood,
literature reviews, separate diagrams for
theories and practice, Dire Straits, where does
this go, which diagram, following, thoughts,
visual mapping, structures, exhibition
proposals, deadlines, external examinations,
exhibition dates, before and invite examiners,
document exhibition, or at the same time,
internal exhibition, not reflected in writings.