Monday 10 December 2018

Meeting Notes

Production, structure, and The Only Way is
Essex, holding onto myself, and being ready
to move, diversion. Practical, and theoretical,
some deadlines and deliverables, meeting
structures, learning, and academic practice,
shifting, and maintaining myself. Books,
highlighting, key themes, word counts,
Bakhtin, theory and practice. Project
workflow. In it, around it, funding
deadlines and meaning, within, headphones,
a seagull and bookmarks.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Wednesday 7 November 2018

William Kentridge

At the Whitworth gallery, notes,
Projections, document films, live
installation, Marx, collage, abstract,
physical motion, loose leaves, writing,
texts, fragments and collections,
drawings, reversals, projects, reverse
projections, installations, Melier.

Holodomor Resources

Holodomor Denial

Holodomor Series on Wikipedia
International Commission of Inquiry Into the
1932-1933 Famine in Ukraine

Holodomor Commission Report

Holodomor 85

Monday 29 October 2018


Brotherton Maps, Ukrainian
framing and agriculture, diagrams
and land and sea currents in
French and Russian.


Monday 15 October 2018

Research Supervision: Tutorial October 15th 2018

Batkhin, the lake, processing project,
literature survey, keywords, raw
unprocessed, 5 books, bibliography.
Children's Soviet Literature, reall,
stories, fairytales,
upside down, final examination and
examiners, final deliverables, word
count - 25,000 five sections, follow
the structure of my film, interludes,
PhD arts, website, delivery, zepplin
(click on the zepplin) abstract
and methodology, weaving, be clear,
sections, make books, minor corrections,
Simon’s time bookmark, motion and
time, Lisa’s Mixtape, illustration,
email Lisa.

Monday 8 October 2018


Set up tests, Soviet Childrens Books,
layout and form, let the content
emerge. Japanese Nō Structure.

Friday 28 September 2018

Friday 14 September 2018


I am creating a visual bibliography,
Rilke, Bakhtin, Vitamin D, The Bhagavad

Friday 7 September 2018

Production Sketches

Easter Production Loops.

Sketch 003

Sketch 004

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Tuesday 4 September 2018

Floor 6

The first part of my Bakhtin project,
with the notes I've been making over the
last week. Fantastically, concluded,
with the Bhagavad Gita, translated by
Juan Mascao - ró

Friday 31 August 2018

Sunday 19 August 2018


Sky shots with the Art Academy.

Monday 13 August 2018

Saturday 4 August 2018

Adam Smith

Allen Lane

Monday 23 July 2018

Research Supervision

Meeting with Lisa - 23rd July 2018
Ukrainian book, gift, tracing the giver,
carrot, Daphne, Brotherton Library,
2.00pm, production, kit, wipes,
transitions, constructivism, production
models, selling material to industry,
commercial applications, world cup,
Triathlon, Bownles,

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Monday 2 July 2018


Tutorial Notes with Simon.

Batkhin, project structure, word
count, PDF / physical submission
examples, structure and form,
spring onions, new York library,
Yoko Ono, books, Ulysses, James
Joyce, Flesh, skeletal forms, writing,
Genoa (a lost text) Stories and
ideas, cinema, iron staircases, and an
AGA, the Modern House, B&B space
for artists, finishing, unpacking,
cycling, Scotland, Chernobyl Prayer
The Fruitmarket Gallery, heaven,
Waterstones, buses and bikes, a
route, Southern Hebrides, ideas,
writing about Contemporary Art,
translations, ideas, Tin Tin, Gerrard,
England formations, routes through the
world cup Frane vs, Russia Host
nation, Spain, pretty football, promo.