Tutorial Notes with Simon.
Batkhin, project structure, word
count, PDF / physical submission
examples, structure and form,
spring onions, new York library,
Yoko Ono, books, Ulysses, James
Joyce, Flesh, skeletal forms, writing,
Genoa (a lost text) Stories and
ideas, cinema, iron staircases, and an
AGA, the Modern House, B&B space
for artists, finishing, unpacking,
cycling, Scotland, Chernobyl Prayer
The Fruitmarket Gallery, heaven,
Waterstones, buses and bikes, a
route, Southern Hebrides, ideas,
writing about Contemporary Art,
translations, ideas, Tin Tin, Gerrard,
England formations, routes through the
world cup Frane vs, Russia Host
nation, Spain, pretty football, promo.