Thursday, 18 February 2021

Assessing Contents.

I am considering ways of presenting my
PhD materials, my visuals, research
interview transcripts and theories I have
collected. I am following a brilliant
project based at Reading University
documenting works by film-maker
Stephen Dworskin:
and I have come across a fascinating
article on Lux’s website, written by Zoe
Bartliff at University of Glasgow. Bartliff
describes an approach to data visualisation
and digital archiving using an ‘at a glance’
technique, ways to visualise a whole,
as well as parts and components with it.
(Bartliff, 2021). With this research are
a series of sunburst diagrams, showing
files, structures, and metadata extracted
from hard-drives.
This is documented here:
including links to a brilliant, interactive
conference poster and conference proceedings
to published works online.