Thursday, 13 May 2021

Research Supervision with Lisa - Thursday 13th May

 Writing, case studies, Aims and Objectives, staying
out of everything, SODA, diagrams, Beckett’s heirarchy
of needs, input diagrams (Holodomor diagrams)
going to Leeds, dreams, forms, new buildings and
turning up, old buildings, devices and chat, going
(not going) viva outputs, Skirts, Men Should
Wear Skirts, Phin Harper, £8.50 outfits, writing,
dust seen, scene, dust, seen and unseen,
case study 3, universal truths and poetry,
boundaries, differences and contributions to
knowledge, Godspell, Tommy, Roger Daltry,
Holodomor, audience reach, industry projects,
Mike and commitments for funding at Huddersfield.