Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Mock Viva:

Wednesday 5th January 2022.

Differences and contributions, Freud, uncanny,
Polyphonic voice, drawing as archiving, Bibliographies,
John Berger, Kentridge, Case Studies, examples
and page numbers, in person, online, polyphonic
voice, music, Bakhtin, An(e)motion, objects
and emotions. Freud, street scenes, voices,
interviews, separate and collective stories,
Alexievich, structures, auto-ethnographics
research, wipes, letters. Questions: changes to
production, relationship to project (missing
letters pages) p. 199 leave this in. I am a
Camera (distractions) archives I have consulted,
sources, uses of literature, Kentridge, time,
production processes. Self-publishing, postcards,
visual bibliographies, links and connections.
Propaganda and truth. Ethics, how to use
multiple voices.