I presented my PhD in person this week. This was at
Castlefield Gallery Associates Hello Goodbye in
Manchester on Tuesday 26th of October. It was brilliant
to present physical work. It was also fascinating to
see physical responses as I passed my postcards
round and how people interacted with this work. I
answered questions about PhD research and Holodomor.
I also have a fantastic project reference in 32 Significant
Moments, by Lisa Watts (2014).
Recipes for Baking Bread: Postcards Information Sheet,
Instagram Publication launch. Photograph by
Watts, L. (n.d.) 32 Significant Moments: An Artist’s Practice as Research (Watts 2014) [Online]
Lisa Watts. Available from: <https://www.lisa-watts.co.uk/32-significant-moments>
[Accessed 30 October 2021].