Saturday, 25 September 2021

Press, S-ARCH and Boxes

 I have press online for my work in Kyiv. There is a
brilliant article from Yana on the Holodomor Museum
website here:
This appears with social media work on
Holodomor Museum’s Instagram site. Details appear
of collaborators, timescales for this work and my
final outcomes. This is great press for Ukrainian

Holodomor Museum Website Press, 2021. Source:
Holodomor Museum, n.d.

Holodomor Museum Instagram Press, 2021. Source:
Instagram, n.d.

Holodomor Museum Instagram Press, 2021. Source:
Instagram, n.d.

This week I presented work at the 8th International
conference on Architecture and Built Environment
with Architecture Awards, S.ARCh. A book of
abstracts is online here:
My presentation is a survey of three books.
These all describe architectural practice and
film in some way. Eisenstein describes film as
architecture. Vertov describes structures of practice
and rhythm in production, rhythms of making.
Steyerl describes architecture in film in in
particular describes uses of short filmic wipes.
This is my first conference presentation of my
final film works.

Eisenstein Book Drawings, S.ARCH Presentation, 2021.
Source: Author.

Vertov Book Drawings, S.ARCH Presentation, 2021.
Source: Author.

Steyerl Book Drawings, S.ARCh Presentation, 2021.
Source: Author.

Exploring Forms: Architecture and Filmic Wipes: Presentation,
2021. Source: Author.

On Thursday my boxes arrived from Germany.
This is a stationery order I delivered to
Michelberger in Berlin on my way to Kyiv, and
posted back to myself, This includes glassine
envelopes for my remaining thesis production
books. I am collating and posting these books on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday next week. These
glassine envelopes are also for participants’ packs.
There are six of these in total, Alison Marshall has
hers. These include Draw Bibliographies, Postcards
and posters for my films in Kyiv. These are
collaborators’ materials and also include my own
copy of my thesis.


Holodomor Museum (2021) Проєкт «Рецепти хліба»: фінальний ролик [Project: Recipes for Baking Bread – Final Movies] [Online]. Kyiv: Holodomor Museum. Available from: <> [Accessed 25 September 2021].

S.ARCH (2021) S.ARCH The 8th International Conference on Architecture and Built Environment with Architecture Awards 22–24 September [Online]. S.ARCH. Available from: <> [Accessed 25 September 2021].