I have a complete mark up copy of my thesis. I have
15 sections in total, including duplicate sections. These
duplicate and composite sections are for opening and
closing materials. Each section is with three core
concepts. I am referencing these for quick access in my
viva. My evidence is using PEAS, Point, Evidence,
Analysis and So what. This structure I use in my
writing. For my answers I am giving evidence from
my written work in my thesis. My next steps
are to map my illustrations with page numbers.
Thesis Mark ups: Black Soil Page, 2021. Source: Author.
Thesis Mark ups: Complete thesis, 2021. Source: Author.
Thesis Mark ups: Structures, 2021. Source: Author.
Monday, 27 December 2021
Thesis Mark ups.
Saturday, 18 December 2021
Viva Preparations and Christmas Decorations
I am preparing for my viva. Resources I am using
include vitae.ac.uk (2021), some brilliant resources
from Leeds Beckett University and two books. The first
of these is How to Survive Your Viva by Rowena
Murray (2015). A second book is The Doctoral Examination
Process by Penny Tinkler and Carolyn Jackson (2004).
These include practical tips and suggestions for
deconstructing my writing. My next steps are a
physical mock up of my printed thesis with
highlighted sections and chapter summaries. I am
dissecting each chapter using a paragraph, using a
sentence and constructing questions and answers from
these texts. This is defending my knowledge using
three key theories to bring my answers back to.
Kerry Harker’s Doctural Thesis Mark up on
Instagram. Source: Kerry Harker, 2021.
I have homemade Christmas decorations. These
are inspired by a birthday trip to NQ64 in Manchester.
This is a retro arcade games venue. My decorations
are from TV programmes and computer games in 1970s
and 1980s. I have four: Thundercats (TV programme
1985–1989); Pacman (computer game, 1980);
Track and Field (ZX Spectrum and arcade game, 1984) and
Lemmings (Amiga, 1991). These are laser cut on 4mm
plywood. I include a falling lemming from an arcade and
Amiga game. This is on a long string, falling off my
Christmas tree. This bitmap and decoration was
inspiration for my contributions to this months
Castlefield Gallery event. This was an event by artist
Jackie Haynes and includes an audio version of
classic Christmas songs. This event was A Round of
Track and Field, 1984. Source: Nintendo.co.uk and artist.
Laser Cut Decorations set up, 2021. Source: Artist.
Falling Lemming, 2021. Source: Artist.
Final Boxed Decorations, 2021. Source: Artist.
Castlefield Gallery (2021) A Round of Toasts [Online]. Manchester: Castlefield Gallery.
Available from: <https://www.castlefieldgallery.co.uk/event/a-round-of-toasts/>
[Accessed 18 December 2021].
Murray, R. (2015) How to Survive Your Viva:
Defending a Thesis in an Oral Examination. 3rd
ed. Berkshire: Open University Press. Available
from: <https://www.vlebooks.com/> [Accessed 16 December
NQ64 (2021) NQ64 Arcade Bar [Online]. NQ64. Available from:
<https://nq64.co.uk/> [Accessed 18 December 2021].
Tinkler, P. and Jackson, C. (2004) The
Doctoral Examination Process: A handbook
for students, examiners and supervisors.
Berkshire: Open University Press. Available
from: <https://ebookcentral.proquest.com>
[accessed 17 December 2021].
Vitae (2021) Defending your doctoral thesis: the
PhD viva [Online]. Vitae. Available from:
[Accessed 18 December 2021].
Friday, 17 December 2021
Research Supervision with Lisa and Simon
Friday 17th December 2021
Stay, post-doctural wards, awards
and funding, projects in Ukraine, St. Andrews,
Leverhulme British Academy funding, collaborative
projects, working with Lisa and Simon, future
work, film festivals, strategies, project strengths,
core theories, Bakhtin, Alexievich, Freud,
underpinning theories, viva research, books,
weaknesses and areas to develop, encyclopedic
submission, how people can access my work,
film festivals and commercial projects, clients,
funding and institutions, buying myself in and
out of bids, research and teaching time, postcards,
packs, draw bibliographies, permissions and
drawings, ISBN numbers, East-17, Christmas
holidays, reading chapters, summaries, questions
and answers, context, animation and motion
graphics, TV experience, School of Life, The
Accident, current research and publications,
drawings, how my work meets audiences,
Mock viva and feedback, Teams, presentation,
10 minutes, questions and preparations, Ukraine,
learning Ukrainian, Duolingo, Rigour and research,
art practice and exhibitions, really understanding
theories, drawing questions back to my own
research and thinking, submission and submitted
texts, where Lisa and Simon sit, Teams and
real life, 5th of January, Christmas decorations,
1990’s, snow, tiers and festival circuit,
BAFTA qualifying festivals and submissions,
Ukrainian festivals, British Council, February, website.
Friday, 10 December 2021
Festival Strategies
I am preparing festival strategies for Recipes for
Baking Bread. This work is from research from
the British Council Shorts Scheme and Key Festival
list (British Council, 2021). I have documents from
BFI supported festivals and a brilliant article
from studiokamp outlining successful film
festival strategies (studiokamp, 2021). I am
using animation-festivals.com as a definitive
guide to festival dates and Film Freeway as my
most common submission platform (animation-
festivals.com, 2021; FilmFreeway, 2021). There are
four phases to my launch from BAFTA qualifying
festivals to online launches. My strategy is
for largest audiences for low cost and possibilities
for high profile exposure and awards. This
strategy runs from September 2021 – September 2022.
Festival Submissions Spreadsheets, 2021. Source: Author.
Recipes for Baking Bread: Film Festival Strategies, 2021.
Source: Author.
Studiokamp (2021). Animation Festival List and Guide [Online]. Studiokamp.
Available from: <https://www.studiokamp.com/animation-film-festival-strategy/>
[Accessed 10 December 2021].
Animation-festivals.com (n.d.) Animation-festivals.com [Online]. Animation-festivals.com.
Available from: <https://www.animation-festivals.com/> [Accessed 10 December 2021].
FilmFreeway (n.d.) FilmFreeway [Online]. FilmFreeway.
Available from: <https://filmfreeway.com/festivals> [Accessed 10 December 2021].
British Council (2021). Apply for a Short Film / VR Festival Travel Grant [Online].
British Council. Available from: <https://film.britishcouncil.org/opportunities/short-film-travel-grant>
[Accessed 10 December 2021].
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Цей цікавий фільм про
Качалка. Качалка фітнес-зал
у Куів у Гідропарк. Я був
в Гідропаркі у вересень.
Цей фітнес-зал з машини і
Цей фільм директор Gar O’Rouke,
у 2020.
Качалка фільм, 2020. Gar O’Rouke, 2021.
O’Rouke, G. (2021) Kachalka [Інтернет].
Gar O’Rouke. Доступний з: <https://www.garorourke.com/portfolio/kachalka-trailer>
[Доступ на 25 листопад 2021].
Sunday, 14 November 2021
Sculpture & Poetry
I have written a proposal for a conference organised
by Henry Moore Institute in February, Sculpture &
Poetry. My paper title is Rodin, Rilke and Animated
Loops. This is exploring motion and forms in poetry, in
sculpture and in motion graphics. I am using The
Rodin Books [1903–07] (1986) written by Rainer Maria
Rilke as my starting point. In these, Rilke describes
movement in Rodin’s art. There are some beautiful
and vivid descriptions of a piece of motion returning to
itself, returning to marble. I am taking this idea and
applying it to animated loops, boils in motion
graphics and giving examples from Recipes for Baking
Bread. In Rilke’s writing he compares this to
ancient cities, whose walls contain all public life
(Rilke, 1986, pp. 14–15). Bakhtin’s writings have an
almost identical description and I am comparing
these two forms. I am also including Bakhtin’s ideas
of chronotopes, uses of time and space taken from
Einstein’s ideas of relativity. Bakhtin applies
these to novels. I have a brilliant piece of analysis
by Christopher Bollas in Meaning and Melancholia
(2018). This is Bollas giving descriptions on work by
Albert Camus, The Outsider (2000). This is a
vivid articulation of a street scene in Camus’ novel
and is an example of a chronotope in action. I want to
compare this street scene to street scenes in
Recipes for Baking Bread. I include these in my
films to give references to what happened after
Holodomor. People travelled to cities to find food,
only to die from starvation when they arrived.
There are descriptions in Grossman’s novels,
Everything Flows (2011) of eerie and quiet queues in
streets where hungry peasants bought bread. Many of
these people were too hungry to eat, or survive.
Jerry Berman’s letters have similar examples of street
scenes. Enormous queues and an eerie, uncanny feeling.
This conference is a brilliant opportunity to explore themes
of my paper and present my finished works. It takes
place in February 2022.
Drawings of Books: Sculpture and Poetry, 2021. Source: Author.
Recipes for Baking Bread: Street Scenes, 2021. Source:
Photos of queues outside a Torgsin store, near
Kharkiv, early 1930s. Photograph by Alexander
Wienerberger. Source: Holodomor Museum, n.d.
Drawings of Books: Everything Flows, 2021. Source: Author.
Jerry Berman’s Letters: digitisation, 2021. Source: Author.
Bakhtin, M. M. [1981] (2003) The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. Translated from the Russian by M. Holquist and C. Emerson. In: Morris, P. ed. The Bakhtin Reader: Selected Writings of Bakhtin, Medvedev and Voloshinov. Reprinted ed. London: Edward Arnold, pp. 182-187.
Bollas, C. (2018) Meaning and Melancholia. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
Camus, A. (2000) The Outsider. Translated from the French by J. Laredo. Reprinted ed. London: Penguin Books.
Grossman, V. [1989] (2011) Everything
Flows. Translated from the Russian by R. Chandler
and E. Chandler with A. Aslanyan. London: Vintage.
Holodomor Museum (n.d.) Holodomor in Kharkiv Region. Photo by Alexander Wienerberger [Online]. Kyiv: Holodomor Museum. Available from: <https://holodomormuseum.org.ua/en/archive/holodomor-in-kharkiv-region-photo-by-alexander-wienerberger/> [Accessed 14 November 2021].
Rilke, R. M. [1903–07] (1986) The Rodin-Book: First Part. In: Rodin and Other Prose Pieces. Translated from the German by G. C. Houston. London: Quartet Encounters, pp. 1–43.
Saturday, 6 November 2021
I am Cuba (Я – Куба)
I am watching films. This includes I am Cuba, Я – Куба.
This is a Russian and Cuban co-production. Russian
production was by Soviet film studio Mosfilm.
Four stories tell perspectives of Cuban life in early
1960s. This is available from Soviet Movies Online,
a brilliant resource for Soviet, European, Ukrainian
and Polish cinema. This includes some fascinating
80s and 90s shows including Dekalog, a Polish
production form 1989 based on ten commandments,
all set in one housing estate in Warsaw.
I am Cuba (Я – Куба) directed by Mikhail
Kalatozov, 1964. Source: Soviet Movies Online, n.d.
Dekalog: One directed by Krzysztof Kieslowski,
1989. Source: Eastern European Movies, n.d.
Soviet Movies Online (n.d.) I am Cuba [Online]. Soviet Movies Online.
Available from: <https://sovietmoviesonline.com/drama/ya-kuba>
[Accessed 6 November 2021].
Eastern European Movies (n.d.) Dekalog: One [Online]. Eastern European Movies.
Available from: <https://easterneuropeanmovies.com/drama/dekalog-one>
[Accessed 6 November 2021].
Saturday, 30 October 2021
Castlefield Gallery, Publication Schedules and Press
I presented my PhD in person this week. This was at
Castlefield Gallery Associates Hello Goodbye in
Manchester on Tuesday 26th of October. It was brilliant
to present physical work. It was also fascinating to
see physical responses as I passed my postcards
round and how people interacted with this work. I
answered questions about PhD research and Holodomor.
I also have a fantastic project reference in 32 Significant
Moments, by Lisa Watts (2014).
Recipes for Baking Bread: Postcards Information Sheet,
Instagram Publication launch. Photograph by
Watts, L. (n.d.) 32 Significant Moments: An Artist’s Practice as Research (Watts 2014) [Online]
Lisa Watts. Available from: <https://www.lisa-watts.co.uk/32-significant-moments>
[Accessed 30 October 2021].
Sunday, 24 October 2021
Bound Art BookFair 2021: Publishing Outcomes
I am researching publishing. These images are from
Bound Art Book Fair 2021 at Whitworth Manchester.
My prices appear accurate, £7.00 for postcards
and £7.00 for draw Bibliographics. I have to
decide how I want to publish these, edition
numbers and I have to get permissions for my
quotes. There was also some brilliant references for
paper stocks and binding, including lots of
plastic combs and some riso printing. I am
creating full production schedules for this
work, to take place over 6–9 months.
The Form of the Book Edited by Sara De Bondt and
Fraser Muggeridge, 2021. Source: Author.
Paper stocks, 2021. Source: Author.
Double Fold Binding (Outwards), 2021. Source: Author.
Riso Guides by Spun Press, 2021. Source: Author.
Spun Press Ephemera, 2021. Source: Author.
Friday, 22 October 2021
Research Supervision with Lisa
Friday 22nd October 2021
Old, New, Borrowed, Blue, sixpence and shoes,
Fetters College, career tragectories, fashion
at Leeds, Film School, exploring Donbas, shows,
exhibitions and talks, preparations, Viva
maps, dates and exam preparations, thesis
documentations, sales, festival strategies,
costs, locations, tiers, other benefits,
shoes, wedding ceremonies and parties and
events, next steps (politics), sharing work,
thesis book, publishing, direct sales and
costs, blog, soanyway, participants packs,
glassine envelopes, Christian – Denmark,
Modular deliveries, external and internal
examiners, screenings at Leeds, Channel 4,
Northern Film School, fashion, pattern cutting,
PhD supervisions.
Saturday, 16 October 2021
Thesis Documentations
I have documented my final thesis books. A visual
essay of sorts is below. These images take reference
from Present & Correct (2021). This stationery
store shows studio shots of their projects online
and on Instagram. I used a grey background with
softboxes in photography studios. With a lot of
help from Simon Weldon I set this up for soft,
shadows, a flat non-gradient backgrounds and
soft light conditions by varying diffusion layers on
each softbox. These images are for my website, archives
and publicity.
Present & Correct, 2021. Source: Instagram.
Present & Correct, 2021. Source: Instagram.

Studio Set up, 2021. Source: Author.
Studio Set up, 2021. Source: Author.
Thesis Documentations, 2021. Source: Author.
Thesis Documentations, 2021. Source: Author.

Thesis Documentations, 2021. Source: Author.

Thesis Documentations, 2021. Source: Author.

Thesis Documentations, 2021. Source: Author.

Thesis Documentations, 2021. Source: Author.
Present & Correct (2021). Present / & / Correct [Online].
London: Present & Correct. Available fromL
<https://www.presentandcorrect.com> [Accessed 9–16 October
Saturday, 9 October 2021
Thesis Production, Sales and Editions
Production of my remaining thesis books is now complete.
This is three copies for posting, two UK copies and one in
Australia. I also have three copies. These are identical
to my submission copies. I have produced these books
for significant contributors to my work. I also have
an exam copy.
Thesis Production, 2021. Source: Author.
Thesis Production, 2021. Source: Author.
I have made contact with a possible stockist for
two components of my books. These are my postcards
pack and my draw bibliographies book. This
retailer is Village Books in Leeds. Cost prices for
each of these books is £7.00. Village Books has a
retail cut of 40%. This will give a sales prices of
£12.00. This includes £2.00 profit on each book.
I have to consider volumes, stock storage and variations in
paper stock for this to go ahead.
Sample Images: Draw Bibliographies, 2021. Source: Author.
Sample Images: Postcards Pack, 2021. Source: Author.
Bookworks in New York is another possible place for me
to submit copies to. Bookworks requires a mimimum
edition of 50 copies. At cost price to produce both
books will be £400, not including posting. I can also
sell copies of these books through direct sales. I can
set this up on Instagram and on my Recipes for Baking
Bread website.
Available from: <https://www.printedmatter.org/services/submit-your-book>
[Accessed 9 October 2021].
Village (2021) Submissions [Online]. Leeds: Village.
Available from: <https://villagebooks.co/pages/submissions>
[Accessed 9 October 2021].
Saturday, 2 October 2021
Soanyway, Thesis Maps and Film Festivals
Jerry Bermans’s Letters feature in Issue Ten of
Soanyway: Ten Conversations. Subtitle a turn in
conversation Soanyway is online here:
https://www.soanywaymagazine.org/issues. This issue explores
conversations, exchange and dialogue, with
loads of brilliant practices from dance to text
and visuals. Recipes for Baking Bread is about
dialogue across generations. Berman’s letters
also provide a rare, and objective accounts of
Holodomor. I write about this in my thesis
in comparison to Christoper Isherwood’s ideas
about objective writing, Isherwood wrote “I am
a camera” in Goodbye to Berlin. He was an
objective, reflective observer of events. Svetlana
Alexiviech in Chernobyl Prayer is part of
her text. In one chapter, after hearing stories of
Chernobyl survivors’ experiences with journalists,
who refused their food for fear of contamination,
Alexievich writes “(Now we are sitting at the
table, having lunch)” (Alexievich, 2016, p. 233). Berman’s
letters are objective, descriptive and human. He
writes with perspective and with detail.
Recipes for Baking Bread: Jerry Berman’s Letters film
still, 2021. Source: Author.
I am working on preparations for my viva.
My work is a complete thesis map. This
shows my ideas, in each chapter, with page
numbers. This builds on my early structure
diagrams and is for fast references when I
defend my work.
Original Thesis Maps 1, 2021. Source: Author.
Original Thesis Maps 2, 2021. Source: Author.
Original Working Maps, 2021. Source: Author.
Viva: Final Thesis Maps (in development) 2021. Source:
I have a catalogue for film festivals I am
submitting to. This is spreadsheets, and entries
using Film Freeway. This is a brilliant site,
I can collect my press packs, project images
and information and submit quick responses to
festivals. I loved going to festivals after I worked
on The Accident, and I hope this work is well
Film Festivals Spreadsheets, 2021. Source: Author.
Alexievich, S. (2016) Chernobyl Prayer.
Translated by A. Gunin and A. Tait. London:
Penguin Books.